A phagili oh me ćh'aqi musi
se oj tàśa ka merel.
A Pakize, se i Zàna ka merel [2]
Aśunen Rroma!len
e Śemesqiri gili [2]
a i śokèria rovèla.
Deśenia-breśenqo sinom,
sinom ćorrorro.
A, a ćhava!len, a, a, a ka merav
A, a Rroma!len, a,a, a ka merav.
Me aśkèri me gelom
me manuśen na takondom.
A, a ćhava!len...
Ma rov daj!e tu manqe
se me k'avav.
Ćirikli ka kerdǒvav
tuθe mangav te avav
sa o drom mangav te prastav
bi tiro naśti beśav.
Sosθar gelǎn tu naśe manθar ?
Sosθar man tu bistardan ?
So kerdom tuqe, pućhav tut
kerè'a man te rovav.
Ćirikli ka kerdǒvav
tuθe mangav te avav
aver sa mangav te bistrav
paśe tuθe te merav.
Hàjde Dudo k-o bunàri [2]
se ka dav tut Dudo jekh dolàri [4].
Andre k-i piri Dudo duj kokala [2]
hem kerǒna Dudo hem rovèna [4].
Tu manges man me mangav tut [2]
Khere Dudo mori ka gelav tut [4].
Me manglom tut
te arakhav tut
por me naśti
tut me na arakhlǒm tut.
Me manglom te arakhav tut
tut naśti arakhlom.
Me manglom te bistarav tut
tut naśti bistrav.
Kaj te arakhav tut ?
Kasθe te pućhav
te phenav ka but mangav tut
tuqe ka merav ?
Bisterdan tu kaj phenes sas
ka mangav tut but
bisterdan tu kaj roves sas
sosθar kasθar tu.
Terno ćhavo si o Vàni
les ternorres ma matǎren
bezex(a) si e Devlesθar
les ternes ka falinen.
Vazden Rroma!len taxtaja !
vazden rromano sastipa !
pien Rroma!len rakìa
pien ta xan thulipa !
But piel sas lesqoro dad
ta e ćhaven but marel sas
o dad pilǎ lenqoro rat
ditë për ditë daba xan sas.
Uklisle sa k-o vordona
lenqe rròte śola dèna
but phirèna lenqe grasta
e pètala naśavèna.
Sadekh k-o sokàkǎ, ćhaj!e,
tuqe me phirav
me jakha korrolile,
tut naśti dikhav
/tuqe me rovav
a-aśun man tu [2]
so ka phenav, o Devl!a
a-aśun man tu [2]
se ka merav
o Devl!a ka merav [2]
De man jakha Devl!a ola te dikhav
se mo sastipen manθar naśèla.
Malkondas man o Devel
ćhudias man sar ʒukel .
Akana me barilom
palal tuθe me a'lom.
I klarina siklilom
palal tuθe dilàjlom
Gili tuqe nikaldom
tuqe so but rondom !
[AF & JD]
Kaj ka ʒas ćhaj Zibede
e haj more ?
Kaj ka ʒas ćhaj Zibede
pherdi gùśa mirikle [2]
Ćhaj maśallah !
Me ka ʒav k-o duj khera
e haj more !
Me ka ʒav k-o duj khera
lav bor„nqe luludǎ [2]
Ćhaj maśallah !
Lav bor„nqe luludǎ
e haj more !
Lav bor„nqe luludǎ
te thoven p'sqe k-o ćućǎ [2]
Ćhaj maśallah !
But berśa ka xas xùrma
e haj more !
But berśa ka xas xùrma
Pala k-o barǎ phirèla [2]
Ćhaj maśallah !
Pala k-o barǎ phirèla
e haj more !
Pala k-o barǎ phirèla
Kanzùrke na kidèla. [2]
Ćhaj maśallah !
Se kas kamèsa tu Naʒi!e
akale trinenθar de ? [2]
Aaah !
Verèmi Nano ka'starav ! [2]
Se me mangav daj!e e tiknes
e kale-jakhenqeres. [2]
Aaah ! ...
Buxlǎr manqe daj!e paś k-i jag
se tasiàra ka merav. [2]
E ! mo jastëki Nano but lolo
E ! mo düśèki Nano but parno [2].
Aaah ! ...
[AQ & JD]
Me ćanga dukhàna man, Babo,
me musǎ dukhàna man, Babo,
ingar man k-o doktòri aman Babo
te arakhel manqe dermàni, Babo.
Dikh doktor!e me ćhaja,
dikh-ta laqo nasvalipen ;
merel aman miri ćhaj
laqe dermàni nanaj.
Laqo nasvalipa Rroma!len
nanaj ov e Devlesθar
por jekhe ćhavorresθar
deline merakosθar.
Jag te phabarel tut Babo
kaj na denan man k-o kamlo
te nakhen leça mire breśa.
Ćàkte merav les na[śti] bistrav.
Merav Babo merav
lesθe palem ka ʒav
muli les ka prandinav
akhar sa e Rromen k-o biav.
[AQ & JD]
Mendonav sas se na manges
ʒänav sas se na ka aves
'ma avdive te jakhenθe me dikhlom
sa kot me uʒardom;
Ozaman denom tut mo vast
tu ćhivdan les te ‘gesθar.
Ak' tut ròdav te dikhav
te jakha me te ćumidav.
O devel palpal ka anel
hem breśind kukudi ka del
ni e ćirikle gilǎ na ka mangen
por tu gilaves, baxt isi man.
[AQ & JD]
Amare kheresqo ćhatlo
si o baro devel o nango.
Amaro kher si zoralo
khonik naśti peravel les.
Amare kheresqo temèli
si o nango than e phuvǎqo.
Amaro kher si zoralo
khonik naśti thabarel les.
Amare kheresqe barranga
si o śil ta e balvala.
Amaro kher si zoralo
khonik naśti xarravel les.
Amare kheresθe jekh penʒèra
k-i penʒèra tire jakha.
Amaro kher si zoralo
Ov si o rromano ilo.
[AQ & JD]
Jekh luv ućardo phuseça
anda lesθe korkorripen;
manro germo śudro pani
duj ćirikle k-o ćhatlo.
Thaj tu mire angalǎθe
to śero me kolin„sθe;
atòska o korkorripen
kerdǒl baxt pra baxtaθe.
O śil, o iv, o jevend 'e!
tuça dikhǒna luludǎ.
E Devlesθar na mangàva
kha te ćumidav te uśta.
17) E ASIA
[AQ & JD]
E asia na ćhordǒna
vetëm k-i dukh ta meripa
kozom isi gudle asia
ili k-i loś ta kamipa.
Kerke asia, asia gudle
sa 'i po uÂe e pan„sθar.
Atòska sosqe bre Devl!a
ratvale si mire asia?
Pherdǒna e jakha asia
Laćhimasθar so śundilo
E muzikaθar and-o ilo
Ta' li ćhavesqe kaj sastilo.
Asia ćhorde tar-i pativ
sikaven ćaćo murśipa
ta but fòra thulo' sapa
nane' ćhi već dilipa.
Oh my daughter's arm has broken
for she is going to die tomorrow.
Ah Pakiza, for Zana is going to die.
Listen, Rroms
to Shemi's song.
ah, all of us are weeping.
I am nineteen years old
I am a poor man.
Ah, lads, ah I'm going to die.
Ah, Rroms, ah I'm going to die.
I joined the army
couldn't say hello to my folks.
Don't weep, mother, for me
I'll be back one day.
I am going to become a bird
close to you I want to come
I want to run all the road long
without you I cannot stand.
Why did you run away from me ?
Why did you forget me ?
What did I do to you, I am asking,
why do you make me cry.
I am going to become a bird
close to you I want to come
I want to forget everything else
and die close to you.
Come on Duda near the well
I will give you one dollar.
In the cooking pot, Duda, two bones
They are boiling, Duda, and crying.
You love me and I love you
I will lead you home, Duda.
I loved you
I wanted to find you
but I couldn't
I did not find you.
I wanted to find you
I could not find you.
I wanted to forget you
I cannot forget you.
Where to find you ?
Whom should I ask
and say I love you so much
I am dying for you ?
You forgot what you would say
that you love me so much
you forgot you were crying
why, and for whom.
Djivan is a young lad
don't make him drunk so young
it is a sin in front of God
you will forbid him so young.
Raise your glasses, Rroms !
to Rromani health !
drink some brandy Rroms
drink and eat fat meat !
His father would drink a lot
and he would beat the kids
this father drank off their blood
no day without a thrashing.
All of them got on the carts
their wheels are whistling
their horses are running so much
they are loosing their shoes.
All the time in the lanes, gal,
I'm wandering to find you
my eyes got blind
I cannot see you
/for you I'm in despair.
O Lord,
listen, listen to me
what I'm a-saying, o Lord
listen, listen to me
for I am a-dying
o Lord, I am a-dying.
Give me eyes, o Lord, to see her
for my health is failing me.
God has cursed me
he has dismissed me as a dog.
Now I grew up
after you I came.
I learnt to play the clarinet
I am madly in love with you.
I made a song for you
for you I wept so much !
[AF & JD]
Where're you bound for, Zibedeh gal
eh hie moreh ?
Where're you bound for, Zibedeh gal
a breastful of necklaces
Wondergal !
I'm going to the two houses
eh hie moreh !
I'm going to the two houses
bringing flowers for the brides
Wondergal !
Bringing flowers for the brides
eh hie moreh !
Bringing flowers for the brides
to put them on the breast
Wondergal !
Many years you'll eat persimmons
eh hie moreh !
Many years you'll eat persimmons
roaming about behind the hedge
Wondergal !
Roaming about behind the hedge
eh hie moreh !
Roaming about behind the hedge
she doesn't catch any hedge-hog.
Wondergal !
Whom do you love, you Nadjia
among these three boys ?
Aaah !
I'm dying Mum of T.B. !
For I love, mother, the youngest
the black-eyed one.
Make my bed, mother, near the fire
for I will die tomorrow.
My pillow Mum is very red
My bed Mum is very white.
[AQ & JD]
My legs hurt me, Dad,
my arms hurt me, Dad,
take me to the physician, Dad,
for a cure to find, Dad.
Look at my daughter, doctor,
examine her sickness,
my daughter is dying,
there is no cure for her.
Her disease, folks,
is not from God
but from a young boy
from a crazy love.
Let the fire burn you off Dad
you did not marry me to my sweetheart
where I would have spent my life.
Until I die I cannot forget him.
I am dying Dad I am dying
but to him anyway I will go
even dead I will marry him
call all the Rroms to the wedding.
[AQ & JD]
I thought you won't want
I believed you won't come
but today I saw in your eyes
that I have waited in vain.
Then I gave you my hand
you put it in your breast
Well, I am searching you
I want to kiss your eyes.
The sky will turn to bad weather
it will rain and it will hail
even the birds will not sing anymore
but you sing, I am happy.
[AQ & JD]
The roof of our house
ti's just the broad naked sky.
Our house is so strong
nobody can push it over.
The basement of our house
ti's a bare place of earth.
Our house is so strong
nobody can burn it over.
The walls of our house
ti's just the winds and the cold.
Our house is so strong
nobody can destroy it over.
In our house there is a window
at the window your eyes.
Our house is so strong
it is the Rromani heart.
[AQ & JD]
A bare thatchered cabin
inside of it loneliness;
wheat bread and fresh water
two birds on the roof.
And you in my hug
your head on my breast;
then loneliness becomes
the most blessed happiness.
Cold, snow and winter eh !
with you seem flowers.
I don't want anything from God
but to kiss your lips.
[AQ & JD]
Tears are not shed
only in pain and death
how many sweet tears
run also in joy and love.
Bitter tears, sweet tears
all are more pure than water.
Thus tell me why, o Lord,
full of blood are my tears ?
The eyes get full of tears
for a kindness you have heard
for some music in your heart
or for a child again healthy.
Tears shed out of honour
show what is real manhood
and most often horse laugh
is nothing but madness.
Avdives, k-o agor e XXtone śelibersesqo, ʒiven pretele 100.000 Rroma and-i Albània, savorre ćirla beślarde kherençar ja luvençar. Numaj tikne grùpe and-i mesmerig e Albaniaqi si len dopaś phirutno ʒivipen, thaj akava numaj nilaje.
E Albaniaqe Rroma lipardǒn jèkhto var k-o berś 1523 anda jekh xoraxano lil pal-o ginipen e populaciaqo, savo mothovel so sine atòska 374 rromane khera and-i Albània, no śaj te paćas so aresle e anglune Rroma and-akava bute-plajenqo them 200 ja 300 berś maj anglal.
Maśkar-e rromane grùpe e Albaniaqe, maj bare-gindesqe si e Mećkàrǎ thaj e Kabuʒìe. Sol duj grùpe si kotar-i dialektenqi stràta I (phenen phirdom, xalom, sinom, pani, ʒeni thaj kola). Maj anglal avile e Mećkàrǎ ta avdives ʒiven majbut and-i Tiràna, and-o Durrës paś-i deriav thaj and-i biplain Myzeqe (zòna paśa Fier, Lushnje thaj Levan). But maśkar lenθe si len phuv thaj ćirla keren buti gavutnesqi k-i phuv. Maj anglal phiren sas gave te mangen. E Kabuʒìe beśen śeral and-i Tiràna ta and-i Korça, kinen ta bikinen thaj vi keren butî vastenqi : sevlǎ, porizena thaj aver ćhumunǎ, butivar dekoraciaqe. Anda sol duj grùpe si but bare baśalne.
Duj aver grùpe si pinʒarde sol duj sar "ćergàrǎ", no si but averipen maśkar lenθe : jekh grùpa (Turkiaqe Ćergàrǎ, ja Rupane Rroma) arakhlǒl majbut and-o Peqin ta i Tiràna, ta laqi dialèkta si e strataqi I, ama i aver grùpa (Śkodraqe Ćergàrǎ) majbut malavdǒl and-i Lezha, Durrës ta Tiràna; e Śkodrànǎ peren and-i stràta II e rromane dialektenqiri (phenen phirdem, xalem, sem, paj, ʒuvliʒej thaj kola; si len vi 10-12 rumunikane lava). Avile angla 100 berś andar-i Kosòva.
And-i Albània ʒivel vi jekh etno-kulturikani grùpa, savi bućhǒl ćibane ja rlìe (alb. evgjit, jevg); nesave manuśa phenen so si Rroma save bisterde i ćhib e dadenqi, ama e ćibane phenen kòrkorre so avile andar-i Egìpta (Misiri). Amborim sol duj hipotèze si ćaće thaj te oven len duj origine. Dikhǒl kotar-o anav rlìa (< tk. yörli "e thanesqo") so sine uć and-i Albània kana aresle e anglune Rroma. Butivar keren durust e Rromençar (prandinǒn, si len ćhave lençar). Nanaj len ćhib specifìko no si vi len baro talènti k-i muzìka. Avere rigaθe, maj but desar 96% e Rromenqe vakeren rromanes.
Sar and-e aver thema, but Albaniaqe Rroma ikalen o manro kotar-i muzìka; sar phenel pes "xan biava", viz ʒan te baśalen ta te gilaben and-e verver manglǎrimàta, "synetllëk", prandimàta ta aver lośale divesa. Odolesqe so savaxt lokhǎrde thaj gudlǎrde o pharo ʒivipen e manuśenqo, si len jekh generàlo simpàtia and-i Albània. Ʒi akana nakhle śukar e gaʒençar, no mamuj odova si lenqe phares te arakhen butî ta but lenθar ćorrolile nasul. Akalaθar i muzìka si akana vàʒe maj vasni : loś, kreàcia, simpàtia no vi manro ta ʒivipen. Jekhe biavesθar o baśalno śaj te parvarel pe manuśen 5-6 divesa ta jekhe koncertosθar avrial jekh ćhon...
I grùpa Rromano Dives kerdili angla 5 berś thaj lel po anav kotar-i butśundi purani gili "Sa e Rroma daj!e,... rromano dives ka keras daj!e". Sa e somdasne barile baśalnenqe familienθe thaj si len zorali reputàcia anda but thana, kaj kerde koncèrtǎ : Frànca (opéra Garnier and-o Paris, Palais de l'Europe and-o Strasbourg, fest. Rennes), Àvstria (fest. Sankt-Pölten), Germània ("Magneten" e André Helleresqo, anda 80 dizǎ), Śvajc, Makedònia, Hungària (Kongrèsi e Śandipnasqo) thaj kola. Vi amaro gilavno o Astrit Qerimi (o Tìti) si maśkar-e maj bare interprèturǎ e tradiciaqe rromane gil„nqere and-i Evròpa; maj anglal e ʒuvlǎ na gilaben sas profesional and-e biava, numaj nesave khelen sas sar "ćengie", no palem si akana 10 berś so vi rromane gilavnǎ afirmisàjle : i Marjeta Jashari (i Ćirikli) ta i Lìda si e maj butśunde and-akaja jèkhto generàcia.
Alosardǎm akate jekh baśandutni thaj 15 gilǎ, save den jekh panoràma kotar-i rromani muzìka and-i Albània, vàʒe nabut pinʒardi avrial; majbut lenθar si bute-berśenqe favorìte no si vi neve kreàcie (lava Jenuz Duka, muz. Astrit Qerimi). Dikhǒl so vi e neve melòdie thàvden kotar-i ʒivdi tradìcia ta si zorales phandle laça. O siklǎrdo kan si te pinʒarel vi kobor specifìko si akaja rromani muzìka and-i avlin e balkanikane muzikenqiri, na numaj sar struktùra e melodienqi no vi sar interpretàcia (so phenel pes akate "durdipen").
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